Ficus microcarpa – Bonsai tree

Ficus microcarpa - Bonsai tree

Ficus microcarpa (Ficus Ginseng) is an ornamental indoor bonsai plant. It has green to dark green leaves which alternate up the stem and which are more oval than the Benjamina and more like the Retusa, but more extensive. The leaves are glossy, dark green, leathery and densely clothed on branches. Grey-brown bark which is relatively smooth has a heavy trunk with terrific aerial roots. Ficus microcarpa will make a fantastic addition to any indoor space, and also a perfect gift. Additionally, this plant filters airborne toxins and is part of our clean air plant accumulation.

Scientific Name: Ficus microcarpa
Synonyms: Ficus aggregata, Ficus retusa, Ficus regnans, Ficus amblyphylla, Ficus cairnsii, Ficus retusiformis.
Common Names: Laurel fig, Ficus Ginseng, Chinese banyan, Malayan banyan, Indian laurel, curtain fig, or gajumaru

How to grow and maintain Ficus microcarpa (Ficus Ginseng):

It thrives best in full sun. When grown indoors, it should be placed on a windowsill that faces south.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering. During the winter months, reduce watering.

It grows well as an indoor bonsai, although being a tropical it likewise appreciates being outside in the summer. In indoors the plant should be kept in conditions between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and protected from drafts to avoid leaf drop. When outdoors in the hottest summer months, offer a few protection from the direct afternoon sun.

Feed weekly or every two weeks during summer, every two to four weeks during winter. Liquid fertilizer can be utilized as well as natural manure pellets. Ficus trees will respond almost immediately to fertilizing with beautiful new growth.

Regular pruning is necessary to retain the tree’s shape. Prune back to 2 leaves after 6-8 leaves have grown. The tree should
only be pruned during the periods of active growth.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. There is no serious pest or disease problems. But sometimes, susceptible to spider mites or other critters, so maintaining a good feeding and watering routine is important to keep your tree healthy and immune.


It can be easily propagated by seed (Growing ficus plants from seed in spring), by cutting, or by Air-layering (Air-layering will work best in April – May). Take 4 inches cutting with about the width of your little finger from a supple branch on a healthy mother plant and dip the cutting in a good quality rooting powder. Plant it in sharp river sand in a pot that measures 4 inches in height. Once root growth develops, remove all leaves except the very top of the cutting and replace into the sand, placing in the shade for a couple of weeks. Next, implement a seaweed fertilizer routine, wait two weeks and give a hydroponic compost for 3 months. Expel the cutting and transplant into a regular bonsai container.


Last updated on November 24th, 2018

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