Baby toes (Fenestraria rhopalophylla) – Succulent plants

Baby toes (Fenestraria rhopalophylla) - Succulent plants

Baby toes (Fenestraria rhopalophylla) is an ornamental, evergreen succulent indoor house plant. It has club-shaped flat or rounded on top, often partially buried with translucent, window-like tips on top to admit light. They are smooth and have a waxy layer. They have thick, fleshy roots. The blossoms are medium-large, white to yellow, solitary or in groups of up to three. They are borne on long pedicels, five sepals with membraneous edges are present, many petals occur in one to several whorls, fine stigmas spread up from the centre of the bloom. The blooms, which appear in September or October, are incredibly vast about 5 cm in diameter. It is very easy to grow in both indoor and outdoor.

Scientific Name: Fenestraria rhopalophylla
Synonyms: Fenestraria aurantiaca
Common Names: Babies’ toes or baby toes, window plant.

Baby toes (Fenestraria rhopalophylla) - Succulent plants





How to grow and maintain Baby toes (Fenestraria rhopalophylla):

In Outdoors, It prefers full sun to part sun, however keep cool and shaded in summer. In indoors, provide bright indirect light.

window plant prefer sandy soil, mineral-rich soil and require a very good drainage and protection from excessive water.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. You can allow the topsoil to become slightly dry between each watering.

It thrives well in minimum average temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit / 10 degrees Celsius.

Fertilize in early spring with a half dilution of cactus and succulent food. Suspend watering in the dormant season from November to February. Other than that, care of Baby’s Toes, is so easy the infant whose toes they resemble could nearly become these extraordinary little succulents.

It can be easily propagated by cuttings or by seeds. Take the cutting from a adult mother plant. Each cutting must contain one or more heads alongside a small amount of root. The seeds from the plant germinate sporadically and grow extremely slowly. Faster Baby’s Toes plants are achieved by dividing off the side growth.

Pests and Diseases:
There is no serious pest or disease problems. Great drainage is essential to prevent root rot. Otherwise, this genus is pretty
oblivious to pests and diseases.

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