Ixora coccinea – Flowering plants

Ixora coccinea - Flowering plants

Ixora coccinea is a multi-branched evergreen shrub, with leathery, shiny, pointed oblong leaves up to 4 inches long and 2 inches wide arranged in pairs or whorls of three or more in 1-2cm long stalks. Leaf shading is dark green, often bronzish when the leaves are new. Tubular flowers, which are up to 2 inches long and fiery red, open at the month into four petals arranged in the form of a cross about a centimeter wide. The entire flower head has a diameter of 3-5 inch. It is sometimes called flame of the woods, because of its glowing orange, red, and yellow flower clusters. The typical blooming period is summer, but occasional flowers also appear in the autumn. The flowers, leaves, roots, and the stem are used to treat various ailments in the Indian traditional system of medicine. The fruits, when fully ripe, are used as a dietary source.

Scientific Name: Ixora coccinea
Common Names: Jungle geranium, Flame of the woods or Jungle flame.

Ixora coccinea - Flowering plants





How to grow and maintain Ixora coccinea:

Ixora coccinea adores bright light throughout the year but do not like direct sunlight of the summer. If you are growing it indoors, ensure that you put it outdoor for some time particularly during the spring season. Jungle geranium doesn’t tolerate freezing temperature.

It grows best in an organically enriched fertile soil with a pH 5.6 – 6.0, acidic. Will show leaf chlorosis if the soil is too alkaline or saline.

Jungle geranium (Ixora) thrive in well when the temperature between 24-32°C.

Water liberally during the summer, diminish watering during the winter season. Generally, they prefer regular watering in a well-drained soil.

Feed every two weeks, during Spring and early summer; feed monthly during the winter. Utilize acidic fertilizer containing minor nutrients and trace elements as these are important to maintain healthy foliage of this blooming bush.

Propagate by stem cutting. Ixora coccinea from stem cuttings 5-8cm long taken in spring. Dip the cut ends in hormone rooting powder. Plant the cutting in a 5-8cm pot containing a moistened equivalent amounts of a blend of peat moss and coarse sand or perlite.

Pests and Diseases:
No serious insect or disease problems. Chlorosis may develop in alkaline soils. Sooty mold may appear. look for aphids, thrips, scale, and mealybugs.

Medicinal Uses:

  • The Ixora coccinea leaves contain a triterpenoid, lupeol, which shows anti-inflammatory activity. The crude alcoholic extract and the ethyl acetate fraction exhibited antigenic activity.
  • The flowers contain an essential oil which possesses antimicrobial activity. Flower contains leucocyanidin glycoside.
  • Flower oil is helpful in conditions like scabies, eczema, pruritis and other skin infections. Also, it is use to treat diarrhea, fever, Megha diseases etc.

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