Glossy abelia – Flowering plants

Glossy abelia - Flowering plants

Glossy abelia is a rounded, spreading, a deciduous or semievergreen multistemmed shrub that grows up to 1 to 1.8 m tall. It has small glossy, ovate, dark green leaves, and 2–6 cm long. The flowers are produced in clusters, white, tinged pink, bell-shaped, to 2 cm long. Flowers from early summer to frost.

Scientific classification:

Family: Caprifoliaceae
Genus: Linnaea
Species: L. × grandiflora

Scientific Name: Linnaea × grandiflora.
Synonyms: Abelia × grandiflora, Abelia rupestris var. grandiflora, Abelia rupestris misapplied .
Common Names: Glossy abelia.

How to grow and maintain Glossy abelia:

It requires full sunlight to part shade. They need 6-8 hours of sunlight to grow.

It grows well in rich, organic, moist but well-drained soil.

It prefers temperatures 10.8° F – 46.6° F at the coldest month and during the hottest month 34.1° F – 72.0° F.

Water your plant regularly during the growing season and always keep the soil evenly moist but never allow your plant to sit in water. You can allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out between each watering. During the winter months, water sparingly.

Feed monthly with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half

It can be easily propagated by softwood cuttings in early summer or semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer.

Pests and Diseases:
It has no serious pest and disease problems.

Last updated on August 16th, 2020

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