Fatsia japonica (Japanese aralia)

Fatsia japonica - Japanese Aralia

Fatsia japonica (Paperplant or Japanese aralia) is an evergreen ornamental shrub growing to 3–10 inches tall, with stout, sparsely branched stems. The leaves are large, ranging from 6 to 14 inches wide and on a petiole up to 20 inches long, leathery, palmately lobed, with 7–9 broad lobes, divided to half or two-thirds of the way to the base of the leaf, the lobes are edged with coarse, blunt teeth. Clusters of creamy-white blooms may appear on mature plants in fall, followed by green fruit that turns black as they ripen. However, it rarely blooms and fruits indoors. It is very easy to grow at indoor and outdoor. It is non-toxic and effectively removes gaseous formaldehyde from indoor air.

Scientific Classification:

Scientific Name: Fatsia japonica

Plant Type: Shrub

Native: Asia

Common Names: Lossy-leaf paper plant, Fatsi, Paperplant or Japanese aralia.

japanese fatsia indoor plant

How to care and grow Fatsia japonica (Japanese aralia)?


Prefers partial shade but will also do fine in a sunny site.no direct summer sun


Fatsia japonica grows well in slightly acid, nutrient-rich, moist but well-drained soil.


Japanese aralia thrives best in temperature at night time 50-55°F/10-13°C and prefers a daytime temperature between 60-65°F/16-18°C.


Water regularly, during growing season. During the winter, reduce watering slightly. They are sensitive to sitting in water, so good drainage is important. Brown brittle leaves and yellow leaves indicate under-watering.


Fertilize every 2 weeks spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Yellow leaves on this plant indicate lack of nitrogen.


Prune lightly in mid to late spring. Remove dead and damaged foliage. Expelling old, congested or damaged stems at their base.


Japanese fatsia indoor plant can be propagated by seed or by semi-hardwood cuttings. Take 4-inch stem tip cuttings in spring and place in moist perlite or sterile potting mix.

Pests and Diseases:

Fatsia japonica has No serious Pest and disease problems. Look for spider mites, aphids, scale, thrips and mealy bugs. Treat any infestation immediately. Excessively wet soils may lead to root rot.

Last updated on August 8th, 2021

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