Birds Nest Fern – Indoor House Plants

Birds Nest Fern - Indoor House Plants

Birds Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus) plant is quite easy to grow. Bird’s nest grows a deep rosette of large, shiny, spear-shaped fronds. It was given its name due to the way new fronds spread out from the center of the plant, making the look of a nest. The new fronds are fragile, so be sure to put your fern in a spot where it won’t get disturbed or brushed against.

Scientific Name: Asplenium nidus
Common Name: birds-nest fern

Birds Nest Fern - Indoor House Plants

How to grow and maintain Birds Nest Fern:

These Aspleniums should be presented neither in bright daylight nor dense shade. Give them medium light all year long and keep these ferns away from droughts and direct contact with heat. A north-facing window if indoors will be ideal for Asplenium nidus fern.

Utilize free, rich organic compost or peat-moss-based soil.

Bird’s Nest Fern wants to be kept at regular room temperature, with nighttime temperatures above 60°F.

Water weekly. Ferns can deal with wet soil better than other plants, but still, do not like to be sopping wet all the time. Enable soil to half-dry out before watering. This fern is sensitive to low humidity and the fronds will burn if the air is too dry.

During spring and summer, fertilize weekly or biweekly with balanced liquid fertilizer diluted by half. Deformed leaves with brown or yellow spots or edges are a sign of too much fertilizer.

They are normally raised from spore or tissue culture, meaning propagation is usually beyond the reach of most home growers. Spores are created just by developing plants.

Pests and diseases:
Birds nest ferns are susceptible to attacks by scales, spider mites, and mealy bugs. Yellowing leaves, browning leaves, and excessive curling of leaves are signs of poor culture or a poor environment.

Last updated on October 11th, 2018

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