Abutilon – Indoor House Plants


Abutilon can be grown almost anywhere as an annual, but in the Bay Area we are fortunate to be able to grow this gorgeous plant as a perennial. The upright, arching plants grow to 8-10 ft. tall and wide, but some hybrids are considerably smaller, and dwarf varieties are available. Broad maple-like leaves are green to yellow-green, and can range from small to large. Drooping bell-like blossoms range in color from white to pink, tangerine, orange, scarlet, and yellow. Abutilon likes warmth, but not a lot of really hot direct sun. Good drainage is essential; Abutilon is quite drought tolerant once established and does not like heavy wet soil.

Scientific name: Abutilon striatum
Common name: Flowering maple, Abutilon


How to grow and maintain Abutilon:

They flourish in summer conditions and incline toward temperature’s from 60°F-15.5°C/80°F-26.6°C . Stay away from lower than 50°F/10°C in the winter.

As said over these affection daylight and splendid rooms close windows. The maple will likewise thank you for taking it outside in the mid year.

The blossoming maple likes to be watered as often as possible all through spring and summer and significantly less in the winter. Do check the highest point of the dirt (pretty much dry is great) and the base of the plate or pot to ensure your not over-watering it, despite the fact that this is infrequently an issue.

An universally handy preparing blend will do the trap, as they are not all that fastidious.

Re-pot the maple inside spring in a pot that is just somewhat greater than it’s foundations. A pot too huge will permit this subtle bush to develop much greater than you may like.

Humidity is not a noteworthy sympathy toward these. Moistening the leaves occasionally is a smart thought.

Propagation is easy. Make 4-inch stem-tip cuttings in spring, while pruning. Dip the cut ends in rooting powder and plant the cuttings in moist soil. Soon you will have more graceful arching stems to add to your garden.

Prune your Abutilon regularly in early spring to help control its shape and prevent the plant from becoming leggy. It responds well to pruning, so don’t be afraid to really cut it back in spring, removing up to a third of the plant. Also, pinching off growing tips promotes a fuller plant and more blooms.

Last updated on August 9th, 2020

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